As flying is against human nature, many people feel anxious during flights. Flying is statistically one of the safest ways of transportation, however, getting off the ground and starting to take off can put people who have fear of flight into an unbearable situation. There are seminars and training programs presented by airlines for the people who are afraid of flying. In these training programs, pilots and psychologists educate people about the technology of planes and the psychological reasons for said fear. Many times simulation training and tools to combat the fear are practiced in these seminars. If you have fear of flight and you can attend such a seminar, you should. But if you need to fly urgently, please do not read or watch any content regarding plane crashes before your flight. Window seats can help some passengers to suppress their anxiety. If you want to be window-seated, you must express this during the check-in process.
1- Drink something calming. You can drink herbal teas or alcoholic beverages before boarding to steady your nerves.
2- Take a book or a magazine with you. Reading something interesting during flight can help you center around something other than your fear and entertain you as well. Also, you can use electronic devices such as cellphones and tablets in airplane mode to play games, watch videos, or take photographs which makes the flight easier.
3- Try to arrange your first flight in a near location when the weather conditions are mild. If you fear flights, or it is the first time you fly, bad weather conditions may trigger your fear for worse. Moreover, short flights are more tolerable, as even if you are anxious about the flight time passes quickly.
4- Take professional help. If your fear is severe, you can consult a therapist to resolve your issues. People with a fear of flight may face tachycardia, dizziness, abdominal pain, and high blood pressure during flights. Many people with this phobia are scared of plane crashes. For this reason, flight attendants might need to kindly assist said passengers with flight phobia.